Sunday, January 3, 2010


So I didn't get much sleep - I tried, but just couldn't. Went downstairs at around 8 am for Breakfast & met several other people from this class- 2 of whom were also without baggage (as in luggage, not emotional... I don't know anyone well enough to make a judgment on emotional). Breakfast was fine - there wasn't anything identifying what each item was, so I picked one spongy cake-like thing that looked like a white pancake and was kind of mushy, something that looked like a doughnut but was more spicy in flavor, and they offered to make me eggs, which I had scrambled. There was also watermelon juice- basically just the juice of a watermelon, with nothing else added. It was good, though. All in all, I didn't LOVE the food but I certainly didn't starve. I can have scrambled eggs every day no problem.

After breakfast I walked around the campus a bit- it is beautiful. It is also VERY sleepy on a Sunday - none of the shops were open, nor the bank, so I'll be accompanying the group on my lovely sweats outfit from the plane for the 12:30 excursion to see the shopping areas. Keeping my fingers crossed for something I can wear for the rest of the day and not feel too uncomfortable in.

As I was wandering around (and obviously looking not quite at home), a gentlemen approached me and asked "are you searching for something?" I let him know that I was just looking around as it was my first day on the campus, but I enjoyed how instead of asking if I was looking for something he used the word "searching" - made the question that much more profound.

Wish me luck at the shopping areas- my first real venture into the REAL India, outside of the protective walls of the company campus.

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